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Post by Admin Mon Jul 05, 2021 9:05 pm

During February 1968 Marines on a lonely base called Khe Sanh fell under attack in one of the biggest offensives of the Vietnam War. During the offensive one platoon stood out, They became know as Grim Reapers because they would sneak up on the NVA at night and slaughter every troop in their sight. These men were among those on the front lines. for 70 days these men fought side by side against the NVA. At the end of the battle only 5 men remained of the 50 man Platoon. They stayed in country for another 3 months. When the Marines returned home to San Andreas they returned to mass protest, violence and a nation ripped in two by a horrible war. Of the 5 men 3 were very passionate about Western Motorcycles and were looking for something to bring them together, on October 1st 1968 these 3 men started the Grim Reapers Motorcycle Club. by 1975 the Mother Charter had grown to 25 members, The club then began to run guns for the Irish Republican Army (IRA), This would lead to many future battles with rival MC's and the federal government. This is where rivalries began with the Lost MC who ran guns for a Mexican Cartel, the war with the Lost MC wouldn't officially begin for a long time.

In 1980 the MC began to spread beyond the west coast. opening charters in Liberty City, North Yankton, Vice City and many Nomadic Charters across the nation. While in Liberty City checking out the new charter of the MC several members of the Los Santos charter were arrested by the FIB in connection to a shootout in which automatic weapons were used that occurred in San Andreas while these members were in Liberty City. This was the first of many legal battles with the Police, on June 8th 1980 6 members of the Grim Reapers Motorcycle Club were found guilty of transporting and distributing illegal firearms in San Andreas and Conspiracy to do so in Liberty City.

After the convictions the MC was reeling from the loss of their brothers, one being an original member. across the nation the Grim Reapers were looked at as outlaws and menaces to society, around this time the Grim Reapers became known as the 1%ers along side of other outlaw MC's of the time. With the One Percent Diamond on their back the MC found itself under the constant eye of Police. The MC decided to do something to show they aren't the bad guys. On April 21st 1981 the Grim Reapers hosted it's first "All are Welcome" Motorcycle Run. 300 People showed up at the event and 120 rode through the state of San Andreas with the MC. It seemed as though finally the club was on a road to recovery after almost a year of constant Police presence and the Media all over them. Although the club continued to run guns (and does to this day) most people embraced the clubs presence not only is Los Santos and Blaine County but across the nation as whole, Grim Reapers were heroes in the eyes of many and menaces in the eyes of the law. Although many arrests would be made and charges would be filed against them the Grim Reapers were never again convicted for illegal gun running or distribution

In 1995 the Club began to Transport Drugs from Las Venturas to Los Santos for the Grove Street Families at that time led by CJ Johnson. The MC was seeing huge profit through running drugs from Las Venturas to Los Santos In 1999 the Grim Reapers doubled their drug mulling by transporting drugs for the Triads, Although we transport a lot of illegal drugs a year the MC has not gotten into the drug dealing business

In 2004 The MC met Trevor Phillips a Drug Dealer from the Midwest United States, At this time the Grim Reapers began mulling twice as much Cocaine and Crystal Meth from Venturas. This angered the MC's long time rival the Lost MC. The Lost followed Saywerd, The Vice President of the LS Charter at the time to the Ammunation in Chumash and shot him in the parking lot. In retaliation the MC rode out to Stab City where Saywerds killer was, Shot several TLMC members and executed the killer. This sparked a war between the two Club's. In 2006 the new Vice President and another member went after a group of Lost MC Officers killing 3 and brutally beating one. The one that survived didn't rat but there was evidence of Opie and Anime beating the surviving member of the Lost, This escalated the war even more. the war had calmed down quite a bit in 2009 but it heated back up in 2013 when the Grim Reapers performed a drive by on the Lost MC Clubhouse in Los Santos. On September 17th 2013 Lost MC President Johnny Klebitz was brutally beaten to death outside of Trevor Phillips home in Sandy Shores.

Posts : 148
Join date : 2021-07-05

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